A novel feedrate scheduling method based on Sigmoid function with chord error and kinematic constraints

Feb 1, 2022·
Hexiong Li
Xin Jiang
Guanying Huo
Cheng Su
Bolun Wang
Bolun Wang
Yifei Hu
Zhiming Zheng
· 0 min read
In high-speed CNC (compute numerical control) machining, the feedrate scheduling has played an important role to ensure machining quality and machining efficiency. In this paper, a novel feedrate scheduling method is proposed for generating smooth feedrate profile conveniently with the consideration of both chord error and kinematic error. First, a relationship between feedrate value and chord error is applied to determine the feedrate curve. Then, breaking points, which can split whole curve into several blocks, can be found out using proposed two step screening method. For every block, the feedrate profile based on Sigmoid function is generated. With the consideration of kinematic limitation and machining efficiency, a time-optimal feedrate adjustment algorithm is proposed to further adjust feedrate value at breaking points. After achieving feedrate profile for each block, all blocks’ feedrate profile will be …
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1-22