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(2023). An integrated trajectory smoothing method for lines and arcs mixed toolpath based on motion overlapping strategy. Journal of Manufacturing Processes 95, 242-265.
(2023). A novel feed rate scheduling method with acc-jerk-continuity and round-off error elimination for non-uniform rational B-spline interpolation. Journal of Computational Design and Engineering 10 (1), 294-317.
(2022). Key-Point Interpolation: A Sparse Data Interpolation Algorithm based on B-splines. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2068 (1), 012010.
(2022). Asymmetrical Pythagorean-hodograph spline-based $C^4$ continuous local corner smoothing method with jerk-continuous feedrate scheduling along linear toolpath. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 121 (9), 5731-5754.
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