A Large-scale Benchmark and an Inclusion-based Algorithm for Continuous Collision Detection

Aug 1, 2022·
Bolun Wang
Bolun Wang
Zachary Ferguson
Teseo Schneider
Xin Jiang
Marco Attene
Daniele Panozzo
· 0 min read
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Continuous collision detection is a critical part in physical simulations. if a CCD algorithm reports too many collisions that don’t exist, or missing collisions, the simulation may fail or be inaccurate. We introduce a large scale benchmark for CCD: We use the benchmark to evaluate existing algorithms, and to validate a novel CCD algorithm called tight-inclusion, which is fast and conservative. For more details, please read our paper …. We have release our code, please check the following link … where you can find the implementations of our algorithm and all the comparison methods, and the large scale benchmark.
Aug 1, 2022 1:00 PM

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