
基于从切面带的自由曲面构建 (Rectifying Strip Patterns)
基于从切面带的自由曲面构建 (Rectifying Strip Patterns)

This is a 40-minute Chinese online lecture on the paper [Rectifying Strip Patterns]( 这是SIGGRAPH2023会议报告 Rectifying Strip Patterns ( 的中文版报告,全长40分钟。 一个平直的不可延伸材料的条带(例如木条、金属条等)可以沿着任意空间曲线弯曲。在微分几何中,可以将这样的条带描述为从切面条带。建筑等应用场景倾向于使用简单的元素制造复杂的形状,从而产生了利用从切面条带进行复杂曲面构建的需求。本次报告将介绍一个用于设计从切面带的计算工具,使得这些条带可以满足特定应用(例如网格壳结构或遮光系统)所需的约束。我们的方法包括从切面带的离散模型、离散水平集公式以及基于优化的约束网格设计和编辑方法。我们还分析节点处的几何性质,并提出构建无挠网格壳节点的一个解决方案。

Jan 11, 2024

Rectifying Strip Patterns
Rectifying Strip Patterns

In this paper, we provide computational tools for the design of shapes from rectifying strips. They can form various patterns and fulfill constraints which are required for specific applications such as gridshells or shading systems.

Dec 1, 2023

A Large-scale Benchmark and an Inclusion-based Algorithm for Continuous Collision Detection
A Large-scale Benchmark and an Inclusion-based Algorithm for Continuous Collision Detection

We introduce a large scale benchmark for CCD: We use the benchmark to evaluate existing algorithms, and to validate a novel CCD algorithm called tight-inclusion, which is fast and conservative.

Aug 1, 2022

Fast and Exact Root Parity for Continuous Collision Detection
Fast and Exact Root Parity for Continuous Collision Detection

We introduce the first exact root parity counter for continuous collision detection (CCD).

Apr 1, 2022

Exact and Efficient Polyhedral Envelope Containment Predicate
Exact and Efficient Polyhedral Envelope Containment Predicate

We introduce a new technique to check containment of a triangle within a polyhedral envelope. Our method is at the same time exact and efficient.

Aug 1, 2020